Next General Meeting – Tuesday April 19th 2022

Our second general meeting of April is coming up next week and besides our usual happy/sad bucks announcements & committee updates, we will be welcoming some special guests.
Our guests will include Past District Governor Craig Gillis, who will speak about the Rotary Foundation.
Also attending will be Dave White, Assistant Governor Area 20. Dave will be on hand to help make some Paul Harris presentations.
We may also have some additional special guests…but you’ll have to wait till Tuesday to see who…(hint: it’s not the Easter Bunny) 

See you on the 19th at 40 Knots!                         


Rotary Intl Logo

Please join us for an in-person club meeting of the Rotary Club of Comox Valley!

Got any announcements? Bring some change for our Happy Bucks portion of the meeting. $1 for personal announcements, $2 for business announcements.

On a trail basis, starting with our first meetings in August 2021, we are not requiring club members to pre-register to attend.
Not a member? Feel free to come and see what we’re all about.  You can contact us at for more information.

Amanda Wood

CVRC President