#CVRC Accomplishments

Rotary Jingle Ball
Our Rotary Jingle Ball event on December 2nd was a smashing success. We had 200 attendees join in the fun, and through the silent auction and party games raised almost $8,000 which will go towards supporting food security programs in the Comox Valley.
Everyone Eats Raffle
This year our Everyone Eats raffle raised $17,200 in net profits. With a contrubiton of $800 from our club funds, we were able to donate $9,000 each to the Comox Valley Food Bank and Lush Valley Food Action Society.

Batfest Softball Tournament
In our annual Batfest softball tournament this year, we had 20 teams participate over the 3 days and raised over $17,000 in net proceeds through the registration fees, beer garden and concession sales, 50/50 tickets and sponsorships. We are looking forward to putting this money back into the community through a future Rotary project!
Lilli House Renovation
Lilli House, a Comox Valley Transition Society House, is a place for women and children who are fleeing abuse to come for safety and support, and to transition into a life free from violence.
CVRC donated funds and people power to this important project to renovate and update the home. We also expanded on what’s available for the kids while there through a large donation of books, games, toys, etc.
Learn more about Lilli House by visiting the CVTS website.
Comox Valley Child Development Association
Ramp Removal and Re-Build
The Ramp Project at CVCDA was a big undertaking involving many players, volunteers, and donors. CVRC played a dual role on this project providing people power and financial support. In conjunction with the Rotary Club of Comox and through a Rotary Foundation District Grant, we raised over $35,000 to fund the project.
Our members also volunteered directly, helping to remove the old ramp and concrete forms, and then again for the building of new forms and the cement pouring. The end result was something much more attractive and safe for those who need it. We are proud to have been part of this project.
Learn more about the happening of the project in this post on the CVCDA’s website.
Or visit this post for more information on the Ribbon-Cutting and Grand Opening Event.
Following the great success of 2020’s ‘Everyone Eats Raffle’, in 2021 our club went ‘next level’ and proudly presented the ‘Everyone Eats Raffle AND Dinner Series’.
This year Everyone Eats featured a series of four exclusive dinner events. Both the dinners and the raffle raised funds to support food security in the Comox Valley.