Requests for Funding

As a prominent community service organisation the Rotary Club of Comox Valley get a lot of requests for funding from local initiatives. While we would love to assist every worthwhile cause or plan we hear, it simply is not possible. To better direct our efforts our club has decided to focus on 3 areas – youth-at-risk, the environment, and local food security. That having been said, we do make exceptions to these areas of focus for the right cause.

Grant Powers

Chair of CVRC's Community Impact Committee

Applications are evaluated by a Committee of the Board of Directors of the Club within one month of receipt. Further information may be requested by the Committee and a funding decision will usually be made within 60 days.

TIMING: Since the Rotary budget years runs from July 1st to June 30th each year, applicants are encouraged to submit their applications well before May, wherever possible.

Our Objective is to make a positive impact in our community with emphasis on humanitarian needs, the needs of young people and our elders, preserving our environment and public safety.

Applications must:

  • Clearly identify the purpose, background and goals of the Applicant Organization;
  • Clearly identify the nature and purpose of the Project / Program;
  • Clearly identify how it fits with the funding Objectives of The Rotary Club of Comox Valley;
  • Identify how it will positively impact our community;
  • Identify how the level of success of the Project / Program will be assessed;
  • Where possible, identify other potential sources of funding (Provide a Budget);

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CVRC’s School Children Nutrition Fund

If you are requesting grant funding from the Comox Valley Rotary Club’s school children nutrition fund, providing food to children in School District 71, please complete the form below in full.

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